Earlier this month on Feb 1st, a tweet from Barack Obama to his 133M followers stated, “Black History Month is about the shared experience of all Black Americans whose lives have shaped, challenged, and ultimately strengthened America.”
As a past President of the USA, Mr. Obama had to put a geographic angle on his tweet but, of course his wonderful words are borderless and resonate with all of us Canadians as well.
Here at CulturaliQ we pay close attention to Black History Month. Paying attention and advancing our education and our understanding are the precise added ingredients to the recipe for becoming a better Research and Agency Company focusing on the Cultural actualities in our Country and in our marketplace.
We intend to continue to learn and grow this month and ask that all Canadians make that commitment.
Just take a look around. Streaming services have heightened access to incredible documentaries and biopics and movies and TV shows that will add to your knowledge. You are a simple google search away from finding any number of lists of impactful books available to read this month. Network TV will have specials and features to watch for. We should all be continuing our own investment in growth of knowledge and growth of awareness this month. And of course, every month.
We at CulturaliQ will do our part to help bring some additional information forward. We have been hard at work creating and executing a research paper process designed to put more fact and more findings together about the Black Canadian Community and the nuanced patterns of this powerful group consumers and purveyors within the Canadian marketplace.
If you are interested in expanding your knowledge and investing in serving this powerful segment of the Canadian community better, click here to learn more.
For all the rest of us. Find some time and get yourself more educated. We must keep learning and understanding.