The South Asian community, as a whole, is the single largest visible minority group in Canada comprising 26% of the total visible minority population. During the COVID-19 pandemic the unemployment rate swelled to 11.3% in July 2020 — out of which 20.4% were South Asian women 37% of women have a university degree compared to 33% other visibility minitorities, and 21.9% of non-visible minorities.
Highly educated, young, South Asian women are among the fastest growing population segment in Canada and yet are more unemployed and underutilized in the workplace.
CulturaliQ in partnership with @pinkattitudeevolution, have launched a national research study and accompanying action-plan on unlocking the potential of a growing South Asian women labour force. Now is the time for action; we must create a support system to uplift women to their full potential.
Pink Attitude Evolution was founded in 2015 and is the first non-profit organization of its kind in Canada where women of South Asian origin are empowered to achieve their full potential in their chosen endeavors. The PAE Board is comprised of a cross-section of professionals who share a common vision and have a strong passion and commitment to make a difference in this underdeveloped area.